The Amity Agency offers you an impressive roster of top companies.
Our recruiters work directly with you, discussing your talents, job criteria and career goals. We take the time to understand the companies we work with so we're able to pair you with the optimal match.
Our goal is to make matches that stick.
We promise to do our best to find you a new position that makes sense all around. Our philosophy is to present candidates for positions that would be a win-win situation between the employer and the employee.
We are here to get to know you and help you. We want to learn about your background, interests and recent developments. The more open you are with us, the easier it is for us to place you.
The Amity Agency will stay in touch with you as well. Of course we can not provide a time frame for when we can place you or a guarantee that we will, but rest assured we will keep you in mind. Even if we come across your dream job years from now, we would love to be able to reach out to you about it. So please provide us with updated information on a regular basis!
There is never a fee for job-seeking candidates. Fees are paid by The Amity Agency’s clients, who hire our top-notch talent.